Tuesday, June 2, 2009

1/2 marathon the result

Dear reader,

As I mentioned in my previous post, last Saturday I ran a 1/2 marathon. It was close to my home town Emmen. The weather was perfect, dry and sunny, air temperature of 22 degrees Celsius and not to humid. Perfect conditions, all agreed.
After the start I tried to keep a good, not too fast pace. The 1-st 11-12 km went pretty well and my time was good, about 5:08 per km. Just a small bit faster than my plan.

However after the 12 km, things went wrong. I was able to keep running until the 16-th km. Than, all of a sudden all my energy was gone and although I very much tried to keep running, my brains don't control the body any longer and I started walking for a short time. Form previous experience I know that once walking means you keep on walking So I did and lost a lot of time according to my schedule. My time, 1 hour, 55 minutes and 51 seconds. The worst result in the last 3 years. I was really sad and frustrated.
Directly after the run I felt a bit tried, but I knew that I didn't went to the bottom of my abilities. See also the finish picture, it shows to me that I'm not "worn out".

Yesterday, 2 days after the run, I still felt a bit sad. So I took my racing bike, drove 58 km within 2 hours. While riding I thought, last October my doctor said: "quit jogging, do something else..." and just after 8 months I complete a 1/2 marathon in less than 2 hours. Maybe the result is not too bad after all. Writing this I get to know 2 things:
1. How strange does the human brain work, making and believing this so called coping/accepting thoughts and really feeling better after having the thought!!
2. I feel lycky and some sense blessed that I have this coping strategy. It makes my HAPPY!!! And from experience in my environment I see many people having trouble to work out these sad and frustrating feelings.

Take care and stay tuned, Oculus