Wednesday, November 14, 2007


Dear reader,

This is a new blog called Oculus. Oculus is the Latin word for "eye" see I took the name since it was the alias my father used when he was writing articles for his work and for many other occasions, in the 80's and 90's. Right now he is 82 years old. He has dementia and not able to write anymore. Even worse it's very hard for him to express himself by speaking.

As a tribute to him I choose this name for my blog. Like my father is like to make this blog an outlook to the world, even more precise an outlook of what I experience in my daily life. My posts will tackle the issues I like to highlight, give my opinion about, things that strikes me. It's also a document on what is occupying me at this moment. I'm open minded and looking forward to your comments and reaction. On my blog and other subject, you like to highlight.

Let me introduce myself. My name is Michael Hoonakker, I'm a Dutchman, 48 years old. Daddy and grandfather, living an active life full of work and hobbies. I'm married to Bianca. We live in a semi detached house in the north of Holland, officially known as The Netherlands. I work for an international telecom company and thereby do some travelling.

My main hobbies are jogging/running, playing guitar, photographing and taking care of house and garden. Normally I publish in English, however Dutch and Swedish are no problem for me.
My slogan for live is: carpe diem ("pluck the day"). I enjoy today and look forward to the future with a lot of faith. I'm optimistic, some people say even too optimistic, judge yourselves by reading my blog.

Hope to see you seen back on my blog, Michael

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